Backbone Ministries - YWAM Perth Australia
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Backbone Ministries

Vital strength and structure for our missions community to effectively reach the nations

Some of the greatest need in missions is for people who can serve practically in all kinds of areas. At YWAM Perth, we work as a body with many different gifts. Backbone Ministries supports and strengthens the daily ministry of our large YWAM Perth community. Backbone Ministries represents multiple teams who are called to serve our missions community while also reaching out to our city and beyond. We cook, build, repair, administer and share in all that God is doing, while also going out ourselves to minister. Our Backbone teams intercede and strengthen the whole, standing in the gap, carrying a significant load. We seek to do evangelism, serve the homeless, go on outreaches, show hospitality to our neighbours, and share the love of Jesus in many ways. Everything we do is about seeing the Great Commission fulfilled. It’s a joy to be a part of every aspect of all it means to be a vibrant missions sending base. 

If you have a heart to serve through food services, accounting, gardening, graphic design, vehicle and property service, and other practical areas, there is a valuable and fun place for you!

Enquire For More Information

Please get in touch with us if you have any further questions, or would like to have more information. Our staff will respond to you soon.