Australian Relief and Mercy Services - YWAM Perth Australia
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Australian Relief and Mercy Services

Assisting families through times of crisis by providing practical help and mobilising others to do the same

ARMS works amongst the poor and needy here in Perth. We provide practical home help to those who are struggling through short-term challenges, with the aim of strengthening the family unit and helping to prevent family breakdown. Through simple assistance like cleaning a house, weeding a lawn or assisting with errands, we show people they are not alone and not forgotten. Through prayer, a listening ear and practical help, we provide the relief that people need to help them manage their crisis situations. We also equip local churches to demonstrate God's care for their community. We do so through short seminars to train church members how to care for families in crisis in their area. 

Contact ARMS on 0434915059

Enquire For More Information

Please get in touch with us if you have any further questions, or would like to have more information. Our staff will respond to you soon.