100 Evangelists - YWAM Perth Australia

100 Evangelists

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God’s love for those who don’t yet know Him is evident throughout the Bible. Our vision is to build a team of 100 evangelists who are hearing God and obeying Him at any given time - whether they are on the city streets of Perth, elsewhere in the State or nation, or in the nations of the world.

God loves, knows and pursues each person. So, we believe that by waiting on God, hearing what He wants us to do, where and to whom He wants us to go, and doing what He leads us to do, we will see Him move mightily in the lives of individuals and communities.

We pray and intercede for those who don’t yet know Him, going into the streets to share God’s love and truth - whether that’s through open-air presentations, one-on-one conversations, or continuing to meet with people who want to learn more, and discipling them in God’s ways. We aim to reach people where they are at, so we head into the nightlife sector of Perth to share God’s love, we bless our neighbours with practical help and gardening, share the gospel online and however else God leads.

Acts 1:8 “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be My witnesses, telling people about Me everywhere – In Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”


Read an article about how 100e has been using online platforms to share the gospel in the midst of COVID.

Enquire For More Information

Please get in touch with us if you have any further questions, or would like to have more information. Our staff will respond to you soon.