Birth Attendant School - YWAM Perth Australia

Birth Attendant School

Starts Every: January

Caring for women during pregnancy, childbirth and beyond opens incredible doors of relationship, giving families opportunity to powerfully encounter the love of God. The Birth Attendant School is an opportunity to learn spiritual and practical aspects of being a birth attendant in the developing world. You will get trained in hands-on skills and gain God's heart for healthy labour, delivery and early childhood in under-resourced communities. The importance of prayer and worship, sharing the gospel, and listening to and obeying God are strongly integrated in this.

 Apply for the Birth Attendant School now!

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The BAS centres on maternal health, reaching out to marginalised women and their families, training to provide skilled help for pregnant women, assisting local health providers surrounding birth, praying and bringing support in this crucial area of medical missions

This course is 10 months long. Your initial three months are a lecture phase in Perth, followed by three months of outreach. You'll return to Perth for three more months of lectures, followed by an internship. Topics during our initial lecture phase include: anatomy and physiology, antenatal, labour, newborn and postnatal care, as well as other topics related to a biblical perspective and God's design. The second part of lecture phase takes you deeper into the topics we've been tackling, as well as addressing complications in pregnancy and birth.  

On outreach you and your team will volunteer in busy first level health centres and villages. You will serve and learn through antenatal care, assisting deliveries, working with local health care providers, as well as teaching in schools, clinics, homes, and anywhere we can gather a group of people. Special attention is given to teaching and training women about their bodies, nutrition, hygiene and safe birth practice. The goal is to provide safe deliveries and decrease death. Being with a woman in this critical time of childbirth opens doors for close relationships, prayer, and ministry with families. Through these deep and significant relationships that are formed, you get to tell them about the Source of all life - Jesus Christ Himself.

God’s intentions for abundant life are both physical and spiritual, so we teach health care topics and weave them together with a simple Gospel message. Whether it is handwashing or nutrition in pregnancy, the nations need to hear it! People are dying preventable deaths, and teaching a community about simple things like handwashing can save lives and prevent disease. With these essential components, you will have opportunities to see disease decrease and both physical and spiritual aspects of a community thrive. Trainers work closely with students to oversee application of skills that you have learnt during the lecture phases, as we travel to one or more nations.

Part of being a birth attendant who serves and loves the Lord is that you hear His voice regularly in a place of intercession and gain His heart for the nations. Together as a team, we will bring God's presence through our prayers and times of regular worship together. God encounters women and their families powerfully as we pray, as we serve, and as we share the gospel. 

 As your training and experience builds, you are equipped to bring health and healing - physically and spiritually - serving as a birth-attendant in medical missions.


January 5th - November 15th, 2025


Lecture Phase Tuition Fee: AUD $5,240
Lecture Phase Non-Tuition Fee: AUD $3,020
(Non-tuition fee includes registration, accommodation, administration, and resources)
Outreach Fee: AUD $10,000 - 12,000
(depending on location)

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Completion of a Discipleship Training School

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Please get in touch with us if you have any further questions, or would like to have more information. Our staff will respond to you soon.