An opportunity for calling, innovation and hope
With everything going on in the world, you might be thinking “Why do missions now?” A little more comfort and predictability would be really nice right now. Who needs the extra challenge of bridging gaps and stretching comfort zones on top of everything else? Looking around us, two years of pandemic have affected communities around the world in ways we hadn’t seen coming. Loss of life, social disruption, disagreement, and uncertainty about how to respond, contention. Add to that global conflicts, economic instability and more.
Physical and spiritual needs in the nations have always been with us – however, in many communities, the pandemic has highlighted and intensified these. But God’s purposes have not paused or changed. He is still seeking to bring His restoration to lives and communities. He is still at work, even in the midst of pain, loss and uncertainty. This is a moment for us, as the Church, to be light to the world.
An Opportunity for Calling
For some, the pandemic has led them to re-evaluate their jobs and careers, what they do and why they do it. For believers who find themselves in this situation, it can actually be a significant opportunity for reflection — to seek God as to what is next, how He wants to use us in His global purposes, or just considering how we can be equipped to be more effective at what He’s already called us to.
Maybe this is you? Why not look into new opportunities to use your time and gifts intentionally for His purposes? Tell God you’re available.
An Opportunity for Innovation
The last two years have stretched us as a missions community, as they have many missions organisations around the world. At times it’s felt like “pruning.” It’s tested our creativity and ingenuity and pushed us to continue to innovate to meet growing needs. As a result, for many global Christian efforts, this is a time of great openness and flexibility, a time ripe for innovation and fresh missions energy. This is a time that calls for testing new approaches, gaining fresh vision, championing emerging leaders, building on strong foundations.
Do you have a vision on your heart? Have you ever wondered if a new approach could help address a certain need? Research, inquire, dream, pray. Tell God you’re available.
An Opportunity to Bring Hope
The world needs to know and experience the hope of Christ – it needs a fresh wave of people devoted to Christ and His purposes. The world needs foot-washers and Good News-bringers. It needs Great Commission healthcare workers and educators, artists, and innovators. It needs people willing to move beyond their comfort zones to actively love their neighbours near and far.
Who has God placed in your life right now who needs a touch from Him? What nation, demographic or community has God stirred your heart for? Bring a gift, meet a need, offer prayer, share an encouragement. Tell God you’re available.
For This Moment
There are plenty of reasons to look for stability in our circumstances – plenty of good reasons, in fact! But maybe the uncertainty around us can also be an invitation to draw near to God, to re-affirm that our security is in Him. And to see with His eyes, the needs and opportunities – across the street and across the globe.